Meowmie's Volunteer Work

by Mickey

Many purrs everyone!  In October Meowmie started to volunteer at the local SPCA. First she went to a big meeting where the SPCA was explained to everyone, then she signed up to work in the feline room. A week later she went to another meeting where she and a few other people, interested in working with cats, were shown the different areas, like the volunteer office (to sign in and out of when on duty), and where the medical office is, and where the cages are located, etc.  Then they went into the cat room! OH mew! There are lots of cats and kittens! 

Meowmie signed up for Sunday from 2 to5, but now she likes it so much she goes from 12:30 or 1 until 5. And now, when she has days off like the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and the Friday after, guess where she will be? In the cat room.  

On her first visit Meowmie was shy, the second visit she helped 4 cats and kittens find homes.  What does Meowmie do? First she says hello to all the kitties (that is a  couple times around the rooms) Then she will give them lots of love,  water if needed (kittens like to play in their water bowls and make a mess!) clean the litter (if it has a BM) and if she see a sick cat, write it down on the medical log. She always greets people and tries to help them. Her favorite part is taking a kitten or cat that was adopted to the office!  Another favorite part is getting the cat and people together. She is always carrying the kitties to a little show room or showing them off to people. 

Meowmie is becoming more un-shy around others.  In her first month , Meowmie helped 10 cats and kittens find forever homes. And since we had a box of cat toys laying around the house, Meowmie took them in for the kitties. Meowmie has a blue shirt to wear and a name tag and a key to all the cages.  Of course she has her favorite cats, like Dexter and Midnight.  Do not worry though, Meowmie is not going to bring any more kitties home ! MOL!  

In December there is Spay Day, Meowmie volunteered for that of course. More on that to come. Meowmie says we are furry lucky kitties!  We are furry lucky to have Meowmie!

Lots of purrs Mickey.
