by Jordan

I knew something was going on when Meowmie got up extra early and fed me and the girls. Minutes later, there was a knock at the door. We were all curious, when Tink walked in with a box and went to the extra room with Meowmie and this mystery box, but we were also hungry, so we started eating.

Before we had time to lick our plates, Meowmie and Tink were back in the kitchen..........without the box!

Scraps: Hey guyz, wat mew fink were in dat box?

Neek: I bet it a whole lotta cat fude an treets fur us!

Zena: No, I fink it Chrismouse purrsends an Meowmie hide dem.

Gray Lady: Oh, it purrably jess a box of old books.

Scraps: Mebbe it pardy cloze fur all a us to wears

Jordan: Mew're all wrong. It a box fulla liddle aliens!

Zena: Donut beez silly, Jordan. Why wud Meowmie brings home a box a aliens?

Jordan: Ummm.... cuz sumtimes, Meowmies is weird!

There was nothing else to do but wait til Meowmie came back out of the room. Then we could go see for ourselves. So, we decided to take a nap while we waited.

Zena dreamed about brightly wrapped Christmas presents.

Scraps dreamed that whe was trying on new clothes with matching hats and

Gray Lady had a peaceful dream of lovesly stories that must be in those books

Neek dreamed of mountains of cat food.

I, of course, dreamed about alien invasions and little green men and spaceships. I think I had the best dream of all.

Gray Lady: Psssst - Meowmie takng a nap on da sofa. Now it time to find out wat reely in dat box!

So, one by one, we slithered out of the kitchen, making sure we didn't wake Meowmie up.

Scraps: Lissen - dere sumfing moofing roun in da room.

Jordan: See - I telled mew it aliens!

Gray Lady: Oh Jordan, dere no sech fing as aliens!

Jordan: Den wat all doze liddle noises I hears?

Zena: It soun like dey is playing!

Jordan: I shure dat baby aliens likes to play!

Neek: I fink dey giggling!!

Jordan: " Dat it! Playing, giggling baby aliens!

Neek: Lissen - I fink dey kitties! I hears liddle mews!

Jordan: Wowze! Playing, giggling liddle green kitty aliens!!

Scraps: Shhh - lissen. Meowmie is talks on da fone bout meeting her furrien in sumplace call Gorja an bring her a kitty!

Zena: Dat it! Dey IS kitties, an dey needs homes!

Neek: Well, led's tell effuryone! Mebbe someone out dere wud luff to have a sweet liddle kitty!

Just look at these sweet faces.

Jordan: Okays - I wills tell dem. Well, befur I got the mew out dis happened.......

As of August 17 all of the kitties have been adopted into forever homes... I hope their new parents know what to feed aliens!!
