The Great Lap War

by Dusty

Hi, you may remember me from the last issue, my name is Dusty. Last July I came to live at the house where Jessie and SassyJazmine live. Well, things are little better now, but still not wonderful. Everyone but Sassy has finally accepted that I am here to stay. Meal times are much better, hardly ever any melodrama any more. I am getting braver every day and have come out of hiding and even sleep all sprawled out on my new Meowmie's bed. She thinks that is so funny to see me sleep like that, and if I do something cute she usually gives me some real nice head scratches, I kinda like that. I still get treats every night when I come into the living room, Sassy too, she sure doesn't like me there tho. Of course I have claimed her Meowmie, her Meowmie's bed as my own (I even have my very own pillow now). For a long time I wouldn't allow Sassy in the bedroom, hey, a girl has to have a place to sleep doesn't she? But lately she has been ignoring me and crawling into bed too, my new Meowmie seems to like her there, but I don't.

Even tho the other cats have accepted that I am there, Mom says I am the meanest to Sassy, and that is why we don't get along. The others share, Sassy doesn't want to share, she doesn't want to share her Meowmie with me, or her bed, or anything else, except MY litter box, she uses that all the time. Right now we are engaged in the great "Lap War", as Meowmie calls it. I have decided that it might be nice to sleep in Meowmie's lap and Sassy just isn't having any of that idea. The second Mom sits down, Sassy is in her lap, and won't leave!!!! I tried to jump up there one time, but Sassy was there and it got real exciting for a minute. Another rule I learned that day was "No Fighting On Meowmie"!

This is Right and I on the sofa, he didn't mind at all that I was there, and he used to be so afraid of me. Guess he has learned I am all noise and no threat to him. Left is still pretty much afraid of me, but he doesn't run like he used to. I get pretty feisty when I don't get what I want, and he knows that, so doesn't try to push things very much. But Sassy is another story, a hard nut to crack, a coat of a different color. I won the bed war, but she is winning the lap war.

And soon we are all going to move to a new, bigger house. New places to explore, new territory to dominate, new scents, smells and even new furniture to make our own. Mom says that we will all be in the same boat then, no one is the new guy, no one is the under d*g, so to speak. We all start out on the same footing Mom says, I purrsonally think that it will be hard for all of us to stand on the same foot, just hope it's her foot and not mine.

So this is it for today, more next time. That will be all about our great and exciting move and who wins the lap wars

Purrs, Dusty

