Back Fence Cat Club N EWSLETTER

September 1999

Freya Interviews Princess Polly

Journalist Freya
Brings You
Interviews of Interesting Cats
and Internet News

Dis month I haff the honor of mewing wiff
Polly, Princess of Catopia, Viscountess of CLAW, BCC, BFS.

Baby Polly Freya:
Polly, yu is a furry active kitty on da internet. When I looks at yur cute liddle kitty picture and realizes dat you are .. er ... dat you are youn ... choke ... dat you are younnn .. gulp ... dat you are younger than me, I am amazed at all yu haff done and are doing. I betcha just effury kitty on the internet knows 'bout yu, Polly. Tells us 'bout some of yur activities.

I'm a memfur of several cat clubs, BFCC and CLAW being two of my favorites. I enjoy attending parties and wedwinks (always a bridesmade nefur a bride) and going on virtual trips. I'd like to go hiking on a mountain some time.

Hiking? You, a princess, go hiking? Why do you wants to do that, Polly?

I like high places. Maybe one of my ancestors was a mountain lion.

Me too, Polly. I luffs to be high and free and wild!!! Wild as ..... say - I saw pictures of yur humin Stuart wiff wild cats - I mean real wild cats - like wiff a lion cub and Siberian tigers. I mean real live wild cats. Do they liff with you?

Oh no they don't live with us. My humin met them at the Nebraska State Fair in 1995 and 1997. He paid to have his picture taken with the baby mountain lion. There was a tiger and a lion too, but he thinks mountain lions are grrreat. The money helped to pay for feeding the wildcats. Then two years later the Fair had two tigers, no other wildcats. The picture looks like the tiger is standing right behind Stuart, but actually he's in a cage (I mean the tiger not Stuart). I didn't get to meet them.

Well ... er ... maybe dat would be just a liddle too wild. Hmm?

Hahaha - MUCH too wild.

But high - I really do like to be up high. Many of my favorite sleeping places are up high.

  1. On an old portable bed that's stored folded up in the basement. It makes a nice high place.
  2. On the top of the filing cabinet, another nice high place.
  3. On the bed I let Stuart share with me, at his feet; This isn't high but it's comfy.
  4. On a rocking chair with a cushion that Stuart inherited from his granny - also very comfy.

I also enjoy sleeping, eating, looking out windows and helping my humin to get some exercise by chasing him around the basement.

Dat sounds like fun. I think I'll chase Meowmie Lois tonight. Teeheehee. What else do you likes to do?

I watch the birds, squirrels and rabbits from the kitchen window. If its not too cold or too hot outside, my humin will open the glass window so I can get fresh air and hear the birds too. For soaking in the sunshine the window in our bedroom works best. I can curl up there. The one in the kitchen doesn't have enough space to lay down in. I can get sun from the big window in the living room if the curtain is open, but its closed most of the time.

I notice dat, as a Princess, you haff an extensive staff. Alla dem slavelike kitties - just working fur you. It reminds me of Cleocatra, Princess of Egypt. Can you haff your seamstress makes you an Egyptian outfit - wiff sheer fabric that sways senuously in the breeze, wiff emboidered designs in gold and precious gems, and an exotic headdress and ... and ... oh yes ...and dark, dark eye liner and lots and lots of mascara ... an ...

I dunno if she can do Eygptian, but I will ask her.

Well - gee whiz, Polly neffur you mind. You don't haff to boffer dressing like dat. You always looks bootifur - just always. And then I can dress like dat - in something gossamer and shimmery and voluptuous. My goodness, how I ramble, Polly. Gee whiz, just look at the time. I've got to go shopping for ... for .. for groceries fur my sweet Meowmie. Thanks a million for the super interview, Polly - and will you give our readers your homepage address. Bye, bye effury one. Let's see now - furst da fabric store, den the jewelers, and ... oops ... better get Meowmie's charge card furst ... Just wait til Chili Pepper sees his liddle Freya. Maybe I needs a makeover - and a new hairdo - or maybe a wig ...

This is Princess Polly, signing off for Reporter Freya. I hope you can visit my page. I have an Adoption Agency, a Post Card service, a Party Room, poems about cats, and lots of pictures of me and also of Stuart with the wild cats. And just you wait until that Freya sees my 'drop dead' Egyptian outfit.


May 1, 2003

Polly and I talked about exotic Egytian clothes in our interview, because the BFCC was going to present "Cleopatra's Palace". Polly came wiff herwink Alex, looking bootifur and sexy.

Polly joined Freya's Furces in CAD 2000. She wuz one of my chief ossifurs - and oncst again - looked juss stunning in heruniform.

But more importan - Polly went on tu become a purrfessional law enfurrcer and haff had an elustrious career. She iz da head ossifur offur at Queen Bitsy's Castle.

Fangu, Polly. As always it's my pleasure talking tu yu. Not only as an old fren, but also as
A Moss Enterprising and Interesting Feline of the World.

Visit Polly's Palace

Write Polly

And Rememfurr -
You Heard It Furst From