

How do you say goodbye to someone that has been a part of your heart for 16 years? The day I rescued Jessie, she moved into our home and into our hearts and ruled without question, even when she was still a tiny, sick little baby drinking from that baby bottle she loved so much, she ruled our home and our hearts. My little Jessie the Orphaned Kitty.

Jessie was independent, strong willed, as smart as a whip, and faithful as the day is long. She enjoyed life to the fullest and all the people she met along the way. She always found it hard to say goodbye to her friends that journied before her, now we have to say goodbye to Jessie.

I am just at a loss how I can even put into words how much I am going to miss Jessie and what she has meant to me. Our adventures with CLAW and all the cat clubs along the way. Her love afair with the Zine and how much fun she had making each issue. How she insisted on eating her moist cat food out of the can and not on a plate. How she would dive for safety under the bed when it thundered, or how she always had one paw extended when she lay in a chair or on the sofa.

Right and Jessie were great friends, and when Jessie got sick Right started to cry, and continued crying right up to the minute Jessie journied to the Rainbow Bridge. Today the house is very quiet, so unusual to hear quiet. And it feels so empty.

I miss you Jessie, you were a part of my heart.

Meowmie Barb


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